Member journey

From committing to measure your carbon footprint, to certification and reduction of emissions, we are there to support you at every stage.


A commitment to measuring your carbon footprint is the most important place to start.

Step 1

After signing up to a Planet Mark certification, we will schedule in a call with one of our sustainability team to discuss data collection.

Step 2

You are certified immediately after signing up based on your commitment to measure your carbon footprint.


After your carbon footprint is completed or verified, we can help you communicate your achievements.

Step 1

Receive your certification report and certificate, along with marketing materials to share your achievements within your community.

Step 2

Book in a Sustainability Energiser with our engagement team so that you can engage your stakeholders further.


Join a community of like-minded people who have all pledged to reduce their carbon emissions.

Step 1

Reduce your Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 5% each year to retain your certification.

Step 2

Get to know fellow members by attending community networking events.

Explore our additional services

We can support you to further your sustainability journey through our advisory services, including measuring your social value contributions and helping you to achieve net zero carbon through our ZeroBy30 programme.

Join our movement for change