Financial services


finnCap, a strategic advisory and capital raising firm is committed to strengthening its environmental, social and governance activities, as well as its alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
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2 years




Absolute carbon reduction

Reporting Boundary: Bartholomew Close –
1 Bartholomew Close, London, EC1A 7BL Portland Place – 40 Portland Place, London,
New Broad Street – 60 New Broad St, London, EC2M 1JJ

Emission sources: Electricity, T&D Losses,
District Heating, Natural Gas, Homeworking,
Water Supply & Treatment, Business Travel, Employee Commuting, Paper

Reporting Period: 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021


Carbon reduction per employee


Total carbon footprint

122.8 tC0₂e

Total carbon footprint per employee

0.9 tC0₂e


FTE employees

We engage our employees and wider stakeholders to unlock their talent and knowledge to drive year on year progress in sustainability.



UN Sustainable Development Goals

We recognise that transparent communication is essential for transformational change and we quantifiably contribute to 7 SDG’s.


Certification story

finnCap provides strategic advisory and capital raising services. The firm advises ambitious growth companies, access capital and promotes their stories across public and private markets.

This is finnCap’s second year of business carbon footprint reporting and Planet Mark certification. Since certifying to Planet Mark, the company has set a target to reduce emissions by 5% annually. 

finnCap’s total carbon footprint in the year ending March 2021 was 122.8 tCO2e, a reduction of 76%. finnCap’s total carbon per employee in the year prior to March 2021 was 0.9 tCO2e, a reduction of 73%.

Through Planet Mark, the company has protected an area of endangered rainforest thanks to Cool Earth; a charity working alongside rainforest communities to halt deforestation. Its pledge through Cool Earth goes directly towards supporting the Asháninka community in Central Peru.

It is also helping the Eden Project – an educational charity building connections with each other and the living world, exploring how we can work together towards a better future. The company looks forward to sharing its sustainability achievements with the wider community.

Steve Malkin
Founder and CEO
Planet Mark
“finnCap has made extraordinary progress in its second year with Planet Mark. COP26 has shined a light on the finance sector, and finnCap are rising to the challenge. By making such significant carbon reductions over the past year, finnCap has shown itself to be serious about climate change and its impact on the planet. I applaud the team for their efforts and hope to continue seeing such positive results.”

Certification story

finnCap has established an environmental, social and governance (ESG) committee to coordinate and lead groups’ internal and external ESG activities, reporting and governance. This involved a wide range of people drawn from across the company with a shared purpose to make its business a better participant in the world. As well as its ESG scorecard, finnCap has also identified and aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

In this Decade of Action, the group wants to ensure that they are a force for good: positively transforming society and the planet by measuring its own impact on the environment. This year, finnCap will be working towards reducing its carbon emissions by 5%. Through Planet Mark, the company has protected an area of endangered rainforest thanks to Cool Earth; a charity working alongside rainforest communities to halt deforestation. Its pledge through Cool Earth goes directly towards supporting the Asháninka community in Central Peru. 

Future targets

Reduce carbon footprint by 5% annually

As part of the Planet Mark certification, finnCap has committed to making a year-on-year reduction.

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